Ideas on human conscious evolution in terms of an approach I've developed which I call Spectrum Counseling; this involves: conflict resolution, martial arts, meditation methods, mindbody strategies, and tranformational learning. This effort is for human beings who wish to encourge, stimulate, discover, and explore the potential of conscious evolution within themselves.
Contemplation Themes
How can anyone fathom the Essence, the Tao, except by way of direct contact. This, actually, is ineffable, yet possible.
Although most of the things people speak about are incidental to, and not necessary conditions for existence, the quality of human life depends, to a large extent, on the experience and actualization of mental activity.
Potentially, we have infinite power, yet humanity has problems with managing internal energy, or neurosis, as an example. Post modern neurosis in our culture is a reflection of our as yet undeveloped capacity to channel cosmic energy harmoniously.
Knowledge, real Knowledge is disseminated and moves at different rates in various parts of the world, while Cosmic Law is continuously operational.
Where along the continuum of aggregates does love arise as it is experienced in creation? From the sub atomic perspective, we are all momentarily arising and vanishing. Where and how, within the stream of relative reality, arises the Universe? How is it that we question Its arising?
There are three forces acting in almost any discernible event. There is an active, a passive, and a neutralizing force. The Physical Self, or Faculty of the Self in terms of the Body may be understood as the neutralizing force between the Faculty of the Heart, and the Faculty of the Intellect. Therefore, if possible, study Martial Arts on the Path. Another name for this neutralizing force is, discipline.
The Wise Ones teach that we are moving along an internal pattern of varying designs. Each design, or pattern is self organizing, self sustaining, and each has a possibility of optimizing Itself. Since the dawn of humankind, the preferred pattern in self organization is toward what may be called, Nearness. Any system which adapts a Nearness optimization paradigm, beneficialy develops exceptional potential.
The Path is a journey of mysterious adventure which leads one into the Heart of the Matter, which reflects the Light of the Spirit.
posted by Ronn
There is a wholeness in the Universe. This integrity can be experienced by Way of the Path of Enlightenment, through study and practice. Sometimes the Path may be difficult, but it is usually mysterious, with an added sense of promise, leading to wonders that are Real!
Strange as it may seem, I have come to understand one of the ways in which Sufis, and other mystic adepts teach telepathy, by deliberately distancing themselves, sometimes, for long periods, from their students. This activates within the student, a mental reaching for contact, that helps to develop and create, or provoke, a telepathic organ of perception. This attribute can be further catalyzed by various ongoing operations and contemplations on certain mystical themes.
The greatest secret in the world is so obvious that it is illusive.
When you become exposed to the pathways and experiences of depth understanding of your Self, or Higher Nature, something begins to develop inside you which transcends your normal personality. This unique and inexplicable sensitivity lives through your body. It becomes awakened within your being, and grows stronger with contemplation of Its attributes and aspects. It begins to take care of you in a beautiful and joyous way.
Although a person can know enlightenment as an individual organism, the experience of enlightenment allows people to function beneficially as global organisms who assist other human beings in the process of conscious evolution.
posted by Ronn