


Ideas on human conscious evolution in terms of an approach I've developed which I call Spectrum Counseling; this involves: conflict resolution, martial arts, meditation methods, mindbody strategies, and tranformational learning. This effort is for human beings who wish to encourge, stimulate, discover, and explore the potential of conscious evolution within themselves.



The following excerpt is taken from the book called, 'Traveller On The Path', by Ronn Parker, Ph.D.. Dr Parker is the creator, and holder of the service mark on, 'Spectrum Counseling', a relatively new process designed to enhance human conscious evolution:

Keep in mind that the transform focus of spectrum counseling is related to applying high performance training concepts--associated with the teachings of sacred wisdom--in the counseling process, as centered in self counsel, and working with others. High performance here also implies human activity which fosters conscious evolution in daily life.

Following this practice includes actualizing the ideal definitions of counseling, which entail a person being encouraged and guided toward understanding the cognitive foundation of personal constructs, maximizing life's opportunities, enhancing decision making knowledge, and in general, becoming a whole person.

These ideas generate a new cynosure for communications theory in terms of spectrum counseling, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming, as special forms of high performance information systems used for intra and inter-human communications, for knowledge acquisition through transpersonal psychological practices.

Given our current planetary predicament, it is reasonalbe to postulate that much of fragmented consciousness, and overalll nervous imbalance in human beings are related to a persons neglect towards integrating life's experiences in a holistic fashion. While engaged in this special work, practitioners can help to alleviate the phenomenon of suffering within themselves, and in so doing, help to transmit harmony on a world scale by way of a participation in the Transmission of Mind.

This communication is one of the characteristics of Essence. It intermittently surfaces in operation in humanity beyond the ordinary dimensions of reality. The quality of one's receptivity towards the Transmission is related to several variables which include, focus, intention, preparation, contact, study, practice, exploration, and discovery. The Transmission takes place through several media which include, mind to mind, texts, symbols, rituals, sensory representations, teaching and audition, and specific types of concentration, contemplation and meditation exercises.

During the spectrum counseling exploration process, people work in these bands of energy regardless of whatever else they may be doing in their lives. In this way, during the unfolding of Initiation, we cultivate and enhance the two variables of focus, and intention, as purified channels of access to the Transmission. During this time, incipient telepathic capacities of a special taste may begin to emerge.

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