


Ideas on human conscious evolution in terms of an approach I've developed which I call Spectrum Counseling; this involves: conflict resolution, martial arts, meditation methods, mindbody strategies, and tranformational learning. This effort is for human beings who wish to encourge, stimulate, discover, and explore the potential of conscious evolution within themselves.



Conflict resolution across the planet requires correct communication applications; not necessarily from a technological or geo-political perspective, but from an intra-human scope. I have referred to intra-human communications previously in this weblog. It is a phrase invented in my doctoral dissertation, which refers to the ability of human beings in resolving internal conflict through the appliction of skillful means, using meditation forms. Here is an excerpt from one of my books, entitled, 'Traveller On The Path':

Normally, these days, when we speak about communications theory, we tend to mean the mulltitude of technological methods used in global information exchange and processing, prevalent and useful in media, industry, government, education and other forms of social institutional interactions, supported by wonderful applications of hard and soft science research.

Spectrum Counseling introduces practitioners to new postulates in communications theory which are transpersonal and intra-human. Heuristic methods serve as maps or research vessels in which relatively new patterns of internal information flow are investigated. The structures of these techniques are formulated circuits which help to channel internal exchanges in a relatively noise free fashion, which also are advantageous in tuning for receptivity of the Transmission of Mind. This is a signal pulsed across the planet at various times by enlightened adepts in various spiritual traditions, for those who are receptive to recognizing it.

Practice may, or may not lead a person toward a specific spiritual Path. In either case, the transformative effects of practice may enhance Real Spirituality in people; an inner quality that transcends our worldy selves to contact the deepest layers of our Universal Heart.

This contact is crucial for all concerned in resolving planetary conflicts.

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