


Ideas on human conscious evolution in terms of an approach I've developed which I call Spectrum Counseling; this involves: conflict resolution, martial arts, meditation methods, mindbody strategies, and tranformational learning. This effort is for human beings who wish to encourge, stimulate, discover, and explore the potential of conscious evolution within themselves.



Today I went to an Aikido class at the Dojo. I was struck, as I often am, that on entering the Dojo, there begins a process of what I experience as the beginning, once more, of a purification of the soul. This purification inspires me in rememberance of the understanding that although the world seems infinitely chaotic, Aikido and other disciplines of similar nature, can purify the mind to the point where enlightenment and illumination prevails. The negative aspects of humanity fall away in the recognition that infinite expansion is possible, and that humanity is consciously evolving in spite of our detrimental actions at times. I remember this: Conscious evolution is the way beyond ignorance.

Each individual is responsible for his or her own positive internal development. Keep in mind that you can conceptualize the Universe within your own being. The infinite capacity extant in the cosmos can be imaged, or imagined and experienced internally in a human being. This is possible on a daily basis. Whether we are aware of this or not is incidental. Humanity will not make much progress until most of us across the planet implement the facets of conscious evolution within ourselves. This can be done by seeking knowledge and mystical understanding; study and practice on the Path. Therefore, regardless of whatever you may be doing, if you want progress on the Earth, evolve your Self!

Some say that there is much negative energy throughout the world at any given moment. Others indicate that human beings are consciously evolving regardless of apparent ignorance. Both ideas are simultaneously true, depending on interpretation, and are important in understanding and solving the basis of human suffering. Create a meditation matrix wherein you can contemplate the relevance of these principles, as they relate to your own well being. Eventually you may be able to contribute in helping others.

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