


Ideas on human conscious evolution in terms of an approach I've developed which I call Spectrum Counseling; this involves: conflict resolution, martial arts, meditation methods, mindbody strategies, and tranformational learning. This effort is for human beings who wish to encourge, stimulate, discover, and explore the potential of conscious evolution within themselves.



Meditation using Breath: Breathing is a process that is continuous within us whether we are aware of this or not. If we cultivate awareness of our breathing patterns and rhythms, as part of our ongoing meditation matrix, benefits accrue. Our mindfield generates more enlightened states of mental activity in a healthy and realtively relaxed fashion. There are many ways to practice using breath.

The techniques presented here can be expanded over time through study and personal effort. In general, try to sustain the idea of, Breathing the Universe. You are inhaling air which is a crucial elemental in our existence. On breathing out, you contribute to your surrounding environment. With respect to specific techniques, one can sit with proper, relaxed posture, and focus on the flow of air as it moves through the nasal passages and into the abdominal cavity of one's body.

Inflow and outflow. Keep focus on the flow. If you notice that the focus on breath flow has drifted away, and the mindfield is moving into other thoughts, images and so on, then, as this realization arises, bring your attention back to the focus on breathing flow.

Another exercise, known to practitioners in some circles as, The Mother's Breath, can be done almost anywhere: Breathe in for a count of seven, pause for a count of one. Breathe out for a count of seven, pause for a count of one, and so forth. This is done at your own pace and comfort. This method places attention on our normal breathing process since we do breathe in and out naturally, with a slight pause at the top of the in-breath, and at the bottom of the out-breath. The Mother's Breath is powerful if practiced regularly. It can cut through mental agitation, and has a centering and holistic effect on one's Mind-Body complex.

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