


Ideas on human conscious evolution in terms of an approach I've developed which I call Spectrum Counseling; this involves: conflict resolution, martial arts, meditation methods, mindbody strategies, and tranformational learning. This effort is for human beings who wish to encourge, stimulate, discover, and explore the potential of conscious evolution within themselves.



Contemplate the idea of 'expanded continuity'. What is the depth meaning of this phrase for you, and others? The method of contemplation includes repetition of the phrase every now and again, while observing whenever possible, whatever may surface in the Mindfield concerning this contemplation theme. Be aware of internal sensitive relationships between the Stages of YourSelf and the contemplation theme if possible. This exercise can sssist a person in developing powers of Self Observation. There are many forms of Meditation. For example:

Meditation using Analysis
Meditation using Breath
Meditation using Concentration
Meditation using Contemplation
Meditation using Image Projections
Meditation using Mantras
Meditation using Movement
Meditation using Prayer
Meditation using Self Observation
Meditation using Visualization
Meditation using Zikr

There are others. Basically this internal process ultimately leads to mastery concerning Mindfield flow, and beyond. Conscious evolution is enhanced. A sense of Presence and panoramic awareness begins to unfold. Wisdom action, and wise choice occurs more often than not; more beneficial neural networks are generated in the brain, and things seem to get better, strange as it may seem. This can be directly experienced by Practioners on the Path.

For a more detailed presentation on the essence of this weblog, see my books entitled: 'Traveller On The Path', and 'Transform Node'. They can be found at,, and

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