


Ideas on human conscious evolution in terms of an approach I've developed which I call Spectrum Counseling; this involves: conflict resolution, martial arts, meditation methods, mindbody strategies, and tranformational learning. This effort is for human beings who wish to encourge, stimulate, discover, and explore the potential of conscious evolution within themselves.



Information Systems in this context includes and extends beyond that which is normally understood as our leading edge communications technology. The concept is expounded in terms of comprehending human beings as information systems within themselves.

For example, just as a front-end-processor type computer, linked to a host-processor computer, or an intelligent workstation linked to a server computer, may be considered as network nodes in a computer design topology, so can people be understood as network elements among and within themselves. In actuality, we are the models from which our built-in capacity to create, determines the potential rate of our expansion in Infinity. In other words, the actualization of ideas appear in the worlds of form through Imaginal Gateways in the human Mindfield. These gateways open and close at different speeds depending on the consistency of primordial awareness extant in any given mind at any give time.

As external entities (Ex Ents), we form network relationships in worldly, and global affairs, while simultaneously influencing neural network activity in the brain. Our task can be described with respect to the following question: How does one become continuously aware of one's experiential flow, and what are the methods by which this intra-human information can be converted into enhanced conscious evolution within ourselves?


The capacity of Human Systems to evolve exceptionally useful facets of their potential for conscious evolution, stems from personal work, oriented toward refinement and purification, more so than most other factors of human activity.

Internal effort requires an understanding of energy flow within human beings, partly through the application and experience of Meditation Matrices. These mindstreams are at once personal and can be thought of as being the result of certain faculties or qualities defined in terms of, Body, Heart and Intellect. This triad of attributes, in asociation with what are sometimes called aspects of the Self, which are related to a persons Higher Nature, form the worldground on which skillful means are practiced.

The results of practice serve as catalysts for transformational learning, which generates profound and beneficially permanent changes in the internal systems of human beings. These frames of reference include energy pathways throughout the body in conjunction with neural networks in the brain. This apprach leads to enhancing all systems of the human mind-body, including, emotional mastery, and the expansion of perceptive range.

Successful work in human systems has been proven effective across the ages by way of the development and actions of human exemplars, in various cultures. Their work has emerged as the Teachings of Enlightenment from the world's sacred traditions and psychologies. This legacy has been transported across space-time, and is ours today, applicable within the modern context of our lives.

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