


Ideas on human conscious evolution in terms of an approach I've developed which I call Spectrum Counseling; this involves: conflict resolution, martial arts, meditation methods, mindbody strategies, and tranformational learning. This effort is for human beings who wish to encourge, stimulate, discover, and explore the potential of conscious evolution within themselves.



Excerpt from, 'Traveller On The Path' by Ronn Parker, Ph.D. Infinity Publishing.

The following excerpt is part of a conversation taking place between graduate students, in an advanced seminar, and the Spectrum Counselor (the author) who is engaging the class in a discussion on a meditation method known as, Self Observation. The dialogues in the actual text are extensive. This is a brief excerpt. Keep in mind that the purpose of this weblog is for creating an internal environment for the reader interested in actualizing conscious evolutionary practices within themselves.

Student: How do you separate the emotional from the intellectual mind? What is the mind, if not the emotions and the intellect?

Spectrum Counselor: The way in which one can separate the Heart from the Intellect is by way of Self-Observation which requires a kind of unruffled internal vigilance on what is occurring in your mindfield's flow most of the time, no matter where you are, or who may be with you. The mindfield is practically infinite, yet it is sensed within you, and outside you through others every day. Practicing Self-Observation allows you to see directly. If for instance, you want to purify the Faculty of the Heart in terms of emotional control, then you have to be able to see the mind doing what it is doing in the moment. Observe without being taken; observe the ebb and flow of the mindtide. Does that make any sense? Even in pleasant situations, with good feelings, try to objectively observe the flow of feelings as they rise and fall within you. Going through, for example, one's morning ritual; focus as you go about your tasks. Even in sleep, one can give one's self a kind of post sleep suggestion about maintaining awareness during the sleep state. These kinds of practices lead to nodes of awareness wherein thought vanishes, and perceptive ranges expand. When this happens the energy usually used up in mundane mind drift can be used by the brain in functioning more efficiently. So, by study and practice, you're not only beginning to purify the Heart in terms of emotions, but purification of the Self in terms of the body, through enhanced brain funfction, takes place as well.

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